Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Session 1 Agenda: Fundamentals and Direct Lighting Setups

Part 1 Fundamentals

Keynote slideshow
Qualities of Light

Discussion: Examples


Part 2 Hands-On: 3-Point, 4-Point, 5-Point Lighting 

  • Lighting Setups
    • Key
    • Fill
    • Rim/Hair
    • Kicker
    • BG Light
  • Lighting workflow: Projects, Menus and Windows, Render Settings, Render View, IPR, Shelf, Hardware Renderers, Look Through Light Camera
  • Light types: Point, Spot, Directional
  • The Light Manipulator (“t” key) - Use with spotlight to access interactive controls for the following attributes:
    1. center of interest
    2. pivot
    3. cone radius
    4. penumbra angle
    5. decay region
    6. origin/radius decay
  • Dropoff, penumbra
  • Attenuation (Decay)
  • Colored light
  • Shaping light throw with barn doors
  • Shader glow for bloom
  • Depth map shadows:
    • · Set the light’s Dmap Resolution to the lowest value that produces shadows of acceptable quality. As a starting point, set Dmap Resolution to the same value as the rendering resolution.
    • · Use filter for soft shadows
    • · Use disk-based dmap by changing to Overwrite existing dmap(s) . Use fcheck to view it (renderdata/depth). Need to hit Z-buffer button in fcheck to see depth information.
    • · Add frame ext – use for animated lights and/or objects
    • · change to reuse depth maps after you are happy with the placement of lights and objects
    • · fake transparent dmaps with lighter shadows

Lighting 1 Welcome & Curriculum


Welcome to Lighting 1! This class is designed to enhance or jumpstart your knowledge of the fundamentals of digital lighting. Whether you are an fx artist, compositor, texture artist, animator, or practitioner of any digital art discipline, commanding the fundamentals of lighting will improve your ability to create art assets that are technically sound and efficiently renderable.

The class lectures will consist of both demonstrations and hands-on practice sessions. Please practice the techniques and do any exercises or assignments before the next class.
Files and forums may be found at the google groups page:
(you will be invited to join at the first session)
Email the whole class with: 

Recommended Reading

(subject to change)

Class 1:

• Fundamentals of Lighting
• Lighting Workflow: Projects, Interface, Globals, Buffer, IPR, Shelf, Look through light camera
• Light Types: Point, Spot, Directional
• Dropoff, penumbra
• Attenuation (Decay)
• Colored Light
• Shaping Light Throw with Barn Doors
• Depth map shadows
• Three-Point Lighting Setup

• Exercise: lighting a statue
• Homework: lighting a still life in a kitchen

Class 2:

• Homework review

• Light Linking
• Surfaces and shaders
• Shader glow for bloom
• Render Settings
• Sample rates and anti-aliasing
• Object Shape node Render Stats

• Homework: Fruit Bowl

Class 3:

• Homework review

• Light Types: Area, Volume
• Shaping Light Throw with Gobos
• Negative light
• Optical Effects, Fog
• Camera Fundamentals
• Image Planes
• Clipping Planes
• Depth of Field 

• Exercise: DOF 
• Homework: Haunted Hallway

Class 4:

• Homework Review

• Raytracing Reflections
• Raytracing Refractions
• Raytracing Shadows
• Fake Reflections
• Survey of Maya’s Render Engines
• Render Layer Editor

• Animating Lights: intensity and color curves, expressions, etc.

• Exercises: Refraction Bottle, Bottle Collection, Candles

Class 5:

• Intro to mental ray and indirect lighting methods
• Caustics

• Global Illumination

• Final Gathering 

Class 6:

• Image Based Lighting
• Exercise: IBL and HDR
  • Exercise 1: Using an HDR Image as Final Gather Irradiance
  • Exercise 2: Creating an infinite Environment with an IBL node
  • Exercise 3: Physical Sun and Sky
    scene_04.mb and simpleSky.mb
  • Exercise 4: Going Deeper into HDRI, with Final Gather and Photon Emission
Class 7:

• Intro to Subsurface Scattering and mental ray’s scattering feature
Exercise: and

• Intro to surface approximation and the approximation editor 
• Displacement Maps in mental ray
Exercises: and

Class 8:

• Review of Maya’s shading models
• Intro to custom shaders: the mental ray shader library
• Ambient Occlusion
Exercise: occlusion01.mb

• Material shaders: Dialectric material
• Photon shaders
• Shadow shaders
• Volume shaders

Class 9:

• Intro to NPR (nonphotorealistic rendering) 
• Toon Shading with Ramp Shaders and Paint Effects
Exercise: toon1.mb

• Contour Shading with Mental ray

Class 10:

• Render Layers
• Rendering Multiple Passes
• Compositing Render Passes
• Recap and review